The Lindsay Midwives Breastfeeding Clinic is located at the Midwifes of Lindsay and the Lakes office: 41 Russel Street West, Lindsay, Ontario.
Clinic visits are booked through the Ontario Breastfeeding Clinic and a referral is required from your midwife or family physician.
A referral form is on the Ontario Breastfeeding Clinic website.
Book an appointment with the following link:
or TEXT ONLY at 877-822-1105
Upcoming dates for the Lindsay clinic are:
- July 25, 2024
- August 22
- September 26
- October 24
- November 20
- December 18
Request an in-person visit with Susan Howlett and indicate which clinic date when booking.
You will be requested to fill out an intake form. Please fill it out as soon as possible to avoid delays!